Emergency Department
About Our Emergency Departments
Both the Louise Marshall Hospital and Palmerston and District Hospital emergency departments are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
When you arrive, you will need to follow a 3-step process:
Step 1: You will register by providing your personal information such as OHIP Card, date of birth, phone number and home address. Please do not forget to bring your OHIP card to registration.
Step 2: Following registration, you will be seen by a Registered Nurse who will assess your level of severity for the illness you are seeking medical attention (this scale is standardized across Canada known as the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale). Take a seat as directed.
Step 3: You will then wait to be seen by a physician based on your triage assessment and in comparison to the severity and illness of the other people also seeking treatment.
This Triage approach allows priority to be given to those patients whose ailments are most severe. The time you see the Doctor is not based on your arrival time but on how sick you are.
Should your condition worsen while waiting, please notify the Nurse or registration immediately and your condition will be reassessed.
If you need non-emergency medical assistance, you have many options:
Contact your primary care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner)
If your primary care provider is not available, call Telehealth Ontario at
1-866-797-0000 or dial 8-1-1 -
Visit your nearest walk-in clinic, click here to learn more about your options
Connect with an emergency department doctor through secure video chat by requesting a virtual appointment. By calling 1-844-227-3844 or by visiting urgentcareontario.ca
What to Bring
To allow your visit to the Emergency Department flow smoothly, it is important to bring the following items with you:
Valid Ontario Health Card or proof of other health insurance.
A list of allergies, medications and herbal supplements (i.e. vitamins).
Please bring medications and herbal supplements with you in the original container. As an alternative, you can ask your pharmacy to prepare a current, medication profile to bring with you to ER.
Current home address and next of kin information.
If your injury or accident is work-related please bring your Workplace Safety and Insurance Board claim number and Social Insurance Number.
Deciding When to Come to the ED with your Child
It's not always easy to decide if your child really needs to come to the Emergency Department (ED). We understand that you are worried when your child is sick or injured and may decide to come to the ED. Many visits to the ED are due to minor illnesses that can be easily managed in a doctor's office or clinic. Family doctors know their patients best, and have the skills and resources to manage most problems. Click here to read more.
Emergency Department Services
Geriatric Emergency Management
North Wellington Health Care provides senior patients with the help of a Geriatric Emergency Management (GEM) Nurse.
Our Geriatric Nurse specializes in the issues that seniors present within acute care and works closely with the Emergency Department team to assess frail, at-risk seniors and help our seniors access appropriate services and resources necessary to maximize functional status, independence and quality of life.